
This publication is one of the fragments of Constructlab’s intervention at the Chicago Architecture Biennial 2019. Surrounding the question of how we live together, the gathered texts, conversations and essays bring together the multiple voices that constitute ConstructLab’s community. It is intended as a collection of personal experiences on how we—as a group of individuals from different backgrounds, cultures and disciplines—foster togetherness through living and working together around projects. These experiences are not examples to be followed. These experiences are not solutions. They are just stories we would have shared with you, together, around a beer, a fire, a workshop, a dinner, a lecture, a nap, a coffee, a book, a… It’s an invitation to fill the gaps and use all common grounds the way you wish, to live—at least for a moment—together, whether you wish to convey a message or to learn from someone else’s, whether you wish to actively participate or to simply be present. It’s not a “how to”. It’s not a manual. It’s an anti-manual. In here you will not find what to do or how to act. It is an invitation to invent and implement your own way of writing your own common stories.
With stories by:
Bert de Backer, Malte von Braun, Laetitia Chamekh, Sofia Costa Pinto, Johanna Dehio, Mascha Fehse, Patrick Hubmann, Pascal Lazarus, Linus Lutz, David Moritz, OST collective, Joanne Pouzenc, Carla Rangel, Refunc, Alexander Römer, Mathilde Sauzet, Sebastien Tripod, Peter Zuiderwijk
Commissioned by:
The Chicago Architecture Biennial 2019 … and other such stories, curated by Yesomi Umolu, Sepake Angiama and Paulo Tavares
Joanne Pouzenc
Carla Rangel
Alexander Römer
Miriam Stoney
Graphic Design:
Collective Works, NL
in collaboration with Southwest Signs Inc, Chicago
Lowitz + Sons Inc, Chicago
Published by: