
W.o.W is a workshop on wheels. Its structure, when unfolded through simple yet unexpected mechanisms, just like a toolbox, reveals a fully equipped working space. Inside, there is space for storage of tools, materials and objects; on the upper space, the structure can host people overnights.
W.o.W is a temporary hub where sociality and mingling are encouraged through building, where learning low tech building techniques and material acknowledgment empower people to express their creativity.
W.o.W – the big toolbox and tiny workshop started its tour through Europe. The moving project, built on a trailer doesn’t belong anywhere, it belongs everywhere.
It’s a tool to generate projects. On tour W.o.W initiates and networks projects at different locations. In this way it gives its contribution to projects of the ConstructLab network from Berlin to Southern Italy, and beyond…
The tour leads through rural areas and focuses on citizens, towns and villages, that experience a lack of events and opportunities for creation, but on the other hand abound in participation and knowledge sharing.
W.o.W activates the community with the help of tools to learn and build. It promotes collaborative work and making to generate innovation and social regeneration. The experiences it collects on the journey, it sows on its path and thus triggers a network of creative activities.